
Greyhound racing in Poznań 1976 year of the Polish championship

Due to numerous questions about the history of greyhound racing in Poznań, after the death of Anna Lipińska, I found in the home archive a lot of photos and catalogs about the second races that took place in Poznań on May 23, 1976. She herself did not want to return to the memories of races, while doctor Stanisław Siudziński created an album and collected a lot of source information about the races. Thanks to this, I have all the applications for the races and documentation related to the scoring in individual races. The organizer of this event was the Polish Kennel Club branch in Poznań.

plakat okolicznościowy wyścigi chartów w Poznaniu
Defilada chartów 1976
Parada chartów
Start z ręki na zdjęciu widoczny doktor Stanisław Siudziński a za barierką z biletem w zębach Adam Kochanowski
Bieg chartów
Charty Afgańskie
Rozdanie pamiątkowych rozetek przez Prezesa Szymanderę
Whippet z Berlina Zachodniego